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A member registered Feb 06, 2021

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I see! Thank you so much for your help!

I absolutely love this game. I love visual novels, and I'm so glad I stumbled upon this diamond. The story is lighthearted but fascinating — it made me feel a lot of emotion as if I'm really in there, inside the game, and together with the characters. Every single one of them felt truly alive, with their own stories and emotions and feelings! I also love the variation of each choice,  Cove's growth, and how everything is different depending on the MC's attitude and feelings. I love this game so much to the point I've it three times within the first four days I downloaded it! Having said that, I have a question about the game's DLCs as I am planning to purchase them all!

When I purchase the DLC, will it be automatically added to the game? I'm playing on mobile, so I don't know how it works! Can you please tell me how it works to make sure that I won't mess up? Btw, it really is a great game! Looking forward to more. :DD

Heavens, I played this during the day and gosh, my sister kept on giving me the looks because I was so anxious while playing! No jumpscares (which is one of the things I loved) and the atmosphere is scary and very immersive! I got goosebumps when I finally got the final ending! I don't know if this game has any continuation, but I feel like the story deserves to get explored even more. No pressure on the creator, of course! But I would love it if we can solve the mystery after that cliffhanger with the player's friend. ><